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Are you HIPAA Compliant with Medical Record Retention and Removal?

Are you HIPAA Compliant with Medical Record Retention and Removal?Medical records are extremely sensitive documents, which is why medical facilities, insurance providers, medical billing companies, etc. are required to adhere to the HIPAA Privacy Rule. Staying HIPAA compliant is extremely important for medical facilities and they aim to protect the sensitive information that medical records hold. It is important to know how to stay HIPAA compliant, especially when it comes to the task of shredding medical records.

Know When to Shred

The length of time for medical record retention is state-specific. You will have to review your states own medical record laws to determine how long you need to retain medical records before you can shred them. This can range anywhere from 2 years to indefinitely, depending on the type of document and the state you are in.

Make it Part of Your Procedures

When it comes time to shred medical records, there are many things need to be considered. As a safeguard, regularly scheduled shredding should be a part of your standard medical record retention and removal policies. This not only helps keep sensitive information safe, it also helps you remain HIPAA compliant.

It’s Not Only Paper Documents

It is also important to note that medical records refer to more than just the paper documents you have in your possession. There are also X-rays and electronic records that need to be destroyed. Machinery that is capable of storing patient information, such as CT scanners and EEG Machines, also need to be properly destroyed before you dispose of them.

If You Aren’t Required to Retain It, Shred It

If there are documents that are not subject to retention, they should always be shredded to protect patient’s information.

Create a Training Program

Do you need to partner with My Retired Doctor to shred documents?