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Considerations for a Happy Retirement That Aren’t Financial Based

Considerations for a Happy Retirement That Aren’t Financial BasedRetirement is a great goal to achieve. Often people are focused on the financial aspects of retirement, but there is much more to consider. Here are four keys to living a happy life in retirement that aren’t based on financials:

It’s Okay to Go Back to Work

We work our whole lives towards retirement. So why would anyone who has finally reached the goal of retirement think about going back to work? Studies actually show that people who work part time or volunteer after retirement live happier lives! We’re not saying to go back to a 9-5 job, but if you can do some consulting or volunteer work on the side, you might find yourself enjoying retirement more.

Keep Busy and Find Some Hobbies

When people think of retirement, they often daydream about a life without work. They can relax and just sit on the couch in their pajamas watching television. However, when you retire it is important to have something to keep your mind engaged. Before you retire, look into some different hobbies that you’ve always wanted to try and determine what might be a good option for you.

Stay Active and Keep Yourself Healthy

When it comes to your happiness, your health is crucial. Studies have actually shown that health is more important than finances for a happy retirement. Think of it this way, you didn’t work your entire life to have such poor health that you cannot even enjoy retirement. That is why it is important to stay active and make sure you’re keeping yourself happy. Get adequate sleep, get out and exercise and make sure you’re eating properly.

Maintain Relationships with Friends

Once you retire, it is easy to lose connections with people. You don’t see the same coworkers and patients day in and day out and you can lose the human element in your life. That’s why it is important to maintain relationships with friends. Human interaction is important once you’ve retired, so be sure to keep in touch with friends and former colleagues.

Are you ready mentally and financially ready to close your medical practice and retire?

The ideas listed above are key to having a happy retirement. Of course having adequate financials to enjoy the world after work is importation, but there is much more to take into consideration. If you are both financially and mentally ready to retire, then My Retired Doctor can help you close your practice.

There is much to be considered, from informing your staff and patients to dealing with insurers, landlords and vendors. In addition, you also have to worry about document management. Thankfully, Datafied can help with that. We offer shredding, scanning and storage solutions for physicians looking to retire and close their practice. We can also serve as your Release of Information Provider as you sail off into retirement. To learn more, visit our website at My Retired Doctor or give us a call at 877-328-2343. We look forward to working with you!