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What You Need for a Happy and Successful Retirement

What You Need for a Happy and Successful Retirement

We spend our whole lives working towards retirement, striving to reach that golden age where we no longer have to wake up and go to work every morning. We spend over 40 years working until we have enough to retire, but does that mean that we’re prepared for a successful retirement? Not necessarily! Retirement is not just about money, there are many other factors that need to be considered when we near retirement.

A Solid Financial Plan

First and foremost, finances are important when we consider a successful retirement. You need to have enough to live out the rest of your days comfortably and that takes careful planning. First, you need to have a budget. Then you need to make sure you can live on that budget. There are many helpful tools online, though your financial advisor or planner can also walk you through retirement withdrawals and budgeting. Be sure to consider how you will handle health insurance costs, as well as when you will start taking social security. It’s also a good idea to shift your funds into less volatile asset classes to shield them from sudden market shifts.

A Hobby

While finances have a lot to do with retirement, you also need to consider what you are going to do with all of this free time. You’ll go from working 8 to 10 hours a day to having nothing on your schedule. That’s a big change! Taking up a hobby or volunteering will help keep you active. Keeping your mind and body active is essential for a happy retirement.

Strong Relationships

Having a support network and strong relationships is also key when you are retiring. As a doctor, you’re used to being social with patients, but suddenly you won’t have that sounding board anymore. Be sure to plan regular meetups with friends and family and consider joining some local organizations to keep you engaged in the community.

Are you ready to retire and close your medical practice? My Retired Doctor Can Help!

Retirement is a something we work towards our entire lives, but it can often be difficult to take that next step and enter retirement. At My Retired Doctor, we know how hard it is to actually close your medical practice and retire, but when the time is right you need to be able to pull the trigger. Unfortunately, the process of closing a medical practice is not always easy. There’s a long to-do list and it’s easy to become overwhelmed. That’s where we come into the picture.

At My Retired Doctor, we offer document management services to retiring physicians. We can shred, store, and scan medical records while you focus on the rest. We also offer Release of Information Provider services so you can ensure your patients have access to their records even after you’ve retired. If you are seriously considering retiring and closing your medical practice, contact us at 877-328-2343 today!