877-328-2343 info@datafied.com

Medical Record Request in Whittier CA

Medical Record Request in Whittier CA

We make it easy for your patients to place a medical record request in Whittier CA after you retire.

As you prepare for retirement, there are of course many tasks to attend to. One task that you absolutely cannot take lightly for your patients’ sake is choosing a medical records custodian. If you trust your patients’ records to another doctor or a medical facility that has many other tasks to attend to, your records could get neglected and it may be quite difficult for patients to make a medical record request in Whittier CA.


…My Retired Doctor can give your patients a better experience.

We Make Medical Record Request in Whittier CA Easy

At My Retired Doctor, medical records storage and retrieval is the core of our business, and we are fully equipped to provide a fast and reliable response to any medical record request in Whittier CA. We will keep your paper or electronic files in a secure and organized storage facility where they will be at our staff’s fingertips when your patients request them.

Here’s how it works:

Request: Patients visit our sister site, OrderMedicalRecords.com to place their medical record request in Whittier CA. It takes just 3 minutes for patients to complete the online form, and they can submit their request any time of the day or night. We do also have a phone line for patients who prefer not to use the online form.

Verify: Maintaining your patients’ privacy is extremely important to us, which is why we carefully review each medical record request in Whittier CA to ensure the release will be HIPAA compliant.

Scan: If you used electronic medical records in your practice, or if you already had your paper files converted to digital format when you transferred custody to us, this step can obviously be skipped. But if we have your files stored in paper format, we will carefully scan them into high-res digital file upon patient request.

Deliver: We offer a variety of options for delivery of the requested medical records. Patients can have the records mailed to their home or to their doctor, or they can request a secure online download of the electronic file.

Learn More About Partnering with My Retired Doctor

If you want a truly expert records custodian working for your patients once you retire, you need My Retired Doctor. call us at 877-328-2343 to learn more about our services.