877-328-2343 info@datafied.com

No Worries, We’ll Manage Your Documents For You!

No Worries, We’ll Manage Your Documents For You!

You have spent years diagnosing, treating, and helping patients. Now, you’re getting ready to close your medical practice and retire. You’re looking forward to traveling the world and spending time with your family. But, you have a lot of documents you need help with, especially all those medical charts of patients over the years. You know there are rigorous laws and regulations on managing medical information; you can’t just toss them in the garbage. An option you have is to let someone else help manage your documents for you so that you don’t have to worry about it! It’s best to find someone with years of experience and knowledge to assist you with it.

Why is managing medical documents so difficult?

As a physician looking to retire, you have hundreds of files and thousands of pages to be reviewed, stored, or discarded. Medical documents contain sensitive patient information and must be taken care of and handled appropriately. First, the documents must be reviewed to determine the type of information presented. Based on the type of medical information, the document may need to be securely saved for a certain amount of time. Some information may need to be shredded and disposed of properly. Going through all these files to sort them will take a significant amount of time and resources. Understanding all the laws and regulations surrounding how to handle specific types of medical information may also be very confusing. All of these reasons make managing medical documents extremely difficult, especially for a retiring physician.

Who can help me manage my documents?

If you want to save not only time and resources, My Retired Doctor can help! Many retired doctors have depended on our expertise and you can too. We do all the hard work for you! You don’t need to worry about storing, shredding, or scanning your documents. We can even provide Release of Information services for you and your patients. We use our expert knowledge on converting paper charts into digital databases and document management skills. All of our staff are HIPAA trained and qualified document management professionals.

Contact us to get started now!

Call us at 877-328-2343 today to get started! My Retired Doctor has been helping retired physicians manage their documents since 1993. Don’t worry any longer on how to manage your medical documents. Enjoy your retirement by spending your time planning your travel itinerary and things to do with your family!