877-328-2343 info@datafied.com

Phoenix AZ

Phoenix AZ

In America’s most populous state capital, Phoenix AZ, there is certainly an abundance of things to see and do. You may not have time to enjoy everything Phoenix AZ has to offer right now, but once you retire you will—provided of course that you have chosen a reliable medical records custodian. Whether you want to visit the Desert Botanical Garden or view historic Hopi kachina dolls at the Heard Museum, you’ll find you have ample time to enjoy the attractions of Phoenix AZ when you partner with My Retired Doctor. We provide all the services you need to transition to retirement, including secure storage for paper and electronic records, reliable Release of Information services, high-quality document scanning, and thorough document shredding. All of our services are HIPAA compliant and backed by decades of experience in the medical records release and storage business. Contact us today to start creating a plan for your retirement.